Frederick Woodruff is an astrologer and Corridor correspondent from Vashon Island in Puget Sound. Here is his forecast for the new year.


Frederick Woodruff’s career as a professional astrologer spans four decades. Artists, writers, and creatively motivated folks consult with him regularly to better comprehend the cycles that define their unique narratives.

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The new year is an unprecedented one for astrology—and each of us. The three outermost planets (those beyond Saturn) will move from one sign in the Zodiac to another. This is noteworthy because of these planets' extra slow orbits around our sun.

Pluto, the destroyer and regenerator, settles into Aquarius for a twenty-year transit, and Neptune, the dreamer and illusion maker, moves into Aries for a fifteen-year stretch. Uranus, the radical revolutionizer, moves into Gemini for a seven-year run.

In astrology, the outer planets are linked to generational Zeitgeists, which have long-term implications for humanity. However, individuals will also sense this intense rearrangement within the solar system. In this article, I’ll discuss some ways you might feel the pressure, or necessity, to rearrange or completely alter key aspects of your life this year.

The Pluto transit through Aquarius is of primary importance, and the water bearer is a sign that astrologers associate with innovation and technology and how our lives are intertwined with electronic media. There is a psychological necessity now to reconsider our relationship to electronic connectivity. Are we using it, or are we being used? Remember that old saying about the price of engaging with social media? If you weren’t paying to use the platforms, well, then you become the product the platforms exploit.

The way our addiction to being ‘connected,’ combined with our instinctive need to develop bonds with others, has made it difficult for people to declare, “No more! I will step back and start to minimize my online investment.” This means finding new ways to socialize, connect, and return to the real world. Try to rediscover and return to the various outlets people use to meet and congregate. The Social Media Escape Club, is a Substack newsletter that I recommend to many of my clients who are interested in unplugging. Check it out.

For many individuals, there is no memory of life before the internet. Still, unlike the reach of radio, television, and cinema, the internet has the uncanny power to invade our privacy and mutate our culture into a surveillance state. Find ways to minimize the impact of this condition on your life. Make a vow to return to the sovereignty of your nervous system as it exists disconnected from online engagement. You’re right; going through life without connectivity is impossible, but we can do this mindfully or robotically. You have a choice.

Next on the mental hygiene list is to consider the planet Neptune shifting into the sign Aries. With this transit, we’re asked to re-evaluate our reliance on experts, gurus, and influencers. Aries, in astrology, is associated with self-reliance; this isn’t a sign that’s interested in cooperation or compromise. Yes, that seems egotistical, but sometimes, people must trust their gut, intuition, and instincts—without interference from outsiders. And this will be doubly emphatic as Neptune moves through Aries during the next 15 years.

Ask yourself what you lose when you turn your attention and desire for knowledge over to others. What happens to your agency, innate curiosity, and courage? Aim to trust your unique path in life more, a course that might be so unique no one else has ever explored it. Return to your sovereignty, that’s the message of Neptune’s transit through Aries.

The Neptune in Pisces transit we are exiting from (that began in 2011) was a period of creative retreads and ‘been there done that’ exhaustion. You saw this everywhere in entertainment, where cinema was primarily about remakes, sequels, or prequels. Nostalgia was big during that transit—the comfort of the familiar dominated. But with the planet’s upcoming shift into Aries, we’re moving into the terrain of innovators and rebels—shakers and shockers.

Creativity will amplify when discovering new paths—surprising people with the unseen and the untried. You can apply this mindset to whatever creative medium you work in; remember that the fresher your approach—the more shocking the originality—the more traction your project will gain on the road to success.

Speaking of mental hygiene. That’s a great term to apply to the planet Uranus’s upcoming transit through Gemini, which commences in July. The sign of the twins relates to our mind’s synthetic abilities, the way our nervous system gathers information from our environment and then turns that input into new and sometimes untried ideas. A love of novelty will accelerate during the next seven years. And people working with unheard or untried stories will prosper. When you combine that with the return of individuality and audacity (and the aforementioned movement away from experts, mavens, and influencers), you’ll get a feel for who the trailblazers will be during this new phase within the creative sphere.

Are you willing to remake how your brain takes in and processes information? Since the advent of the internet, we've all been trained to multitask—to watch TV while planning dinner and texting a friend while asking Alexa to find a good meatloaf recipe. Understand that this kind of scattered mentality isn’t sustainable. It might seem normal because we’ve been conditioned to move through life this way, but our brain synapses are fraying and frying.

Ultimately, this creates passive zombie-like conditions in life. Mindless states that require dependence on technology to feel alive through simulated ‘connections.’ It’s a creepy Catch-22 arrangement that isn’t psychologically or spiritually sustainable. Uranus in Gemini will shock us out of this condition.

This is a great time to arrange an astrology session to gain a more specific lay of the land related to your birth chart. For Corridor customers, I’m offering a special discounted rate for new client astrology consultations. Follow this link to book your session today.


ARIES (MAR 21-APR 20): You’re in for a smooth ride with Venus in your sign this season. This imparts a glow and upbeat vibe to your demeanor and attitude. This is an excellent time to make requests. Those in your circle are ready to help you succeed. Use this surfeit of charm to move you toward a new career objective. With your contagious enthusiasm, we need people like you to inspire and remind us of our innate trust in life.

TAURUS (APR 21-MAY 21): This winter, you’ll be required to bring everything you learned about meeting folks halfway, when necessary, to the table. Don’t let tension develop into a condition that impacts your health. Breakthroughs that appear unexpectedly will continue until Uranus moves out of your sign in July. Help your loved ones ease into the changes you’re making. Don’t expect everyone to understand your wild desire for freedom.

GEMINI (MAY 22-JUN 21): It’s time to reconsider how you are exerting yourself. Pay attention to energy leaks—the ways you lose momentum. You may have too many irons in the fire now. This means prioritizing. Do it with grace. You’re famous for making instantaneous decisions. However, the winter is a great time to slow down and allow your intuition to deepen. Consider experimenting with meditation or any spiritual practice that increases focus.

CANCER (JUN 22-JUL 22): You’re in a unique cycle where discipline and forward momentum blend and pay off. This is an excellent season to launch the project you’ve been harboring out into the world. There might be financial restrictions, so budget wisely as you head into the spring. Sensitivity to your environment is at a peak. This will amplify your creative imagination. See if you can carve out more ‘alone time’ to strategize your aims for the new year.

LEO (JUL 23-AUG 213):  You must shift how your inner critic influences your life. You’ll benefit by consulting with an objective outsider, a friend, or a colleague who can give you facts instead of conjectures. Put on your ‘inspector glasses’ and find out what’s out of whack in your world. Ask yourself: What isn’t working? And what feels ‘off'? After you change those conditions, it’ll be smooth sailing into the new year.

VIRGO (AUG 24-SEP 23):  Outside pressure continues to dog you. The central question: Is your life arranged optimally right now? The universe requires that you not shy away from showing and promoting your best qualities. Selfishness can work to your advantage this month. If it’s true that every force in the universe serves a function, it’ll behoove you to understand what the power of opposition is rearranging in your life. Try to reframe what doesn’t appear to be working for you—what outcome does friction serve?

LIBRA (SEP 24-OCT 23):  If you’re feeling opposed by others now, stop and ask yourself what you can learn from your frustration. Remain open-minded to their feedback. This experience will force you to become more assertive with your personal needs. Attention to your dream narratives will help resolve conflicts and inspire new solutions.

SCORPIO (OCT 24-NOV 20):  Commitment is a force that can be increased or diminished. How do you increase the power of your commitment? Or how do you, intentionally or unconsciously, exhaust the power of your commitment? These are essential questions to consider at the start of the new year. It’s necessary to fine-tune and clarify your communication style with those in your inner circle. Don’t remain trapped in dead-end arrangements. Allow your intuition to provide guidance. Freedom is the goal.

SAGITTARIUS (NOV 23-DEC 21):  Your top priority for the new year? Escape from inertia and diversion. How to do this might be tricky, as you find so many things in life fascinating. But focus. Commit to undertaking a new intellectual subject or shift one of your hobbies into a career option. Self-expression has been complicated lately, but there is a way through. As Henry Ford noted, “Obstacles are those frightful things you see when you take your eyes off your goal.”

CAPRICORN (DEC 22-JAN 20):  You are exiting a phase in life that took a decade and a half to culminate. You’ve met your wisdom quota and are now ready to share the fruits of your labor with the world. Work with individuals versed in outreach and publicity; don’t be shy about shining. Don’t let disagreements or resistance throw you. You, indeed, prefer control over serendipity. But are you imagining barriers that don’t exist? A part of your nature might want a ‘time out’ now. Take it.

AQUARIUS (JAN 21-FEB 19):  See if you can relinquish expectations and allow yourself to be surprised by life. The months ahead this winter might require living under tighter financial constraints. Review budgets and financial outlines. Preparation is your secret to success as the new year kicks in. See if you have missed some vital puzzle pieces—a riddle that’s commanded your attention since the close of last year. You’ll be surprised with what you discover.

PISCES (FEB 20-MAR 20):  Your life right now requires that you assume two distinct personas. One side of the equation is focused on down-to-earth concerns, while the other is tugging you into the heart of your imagination. No blame should you prefer one approach over the other, but do aim for balance. You’re under considerable astro weather now—toggling between inspiration and doubt. Ride light in the saddle, but keep riding. Don’t let this see-sawing effect detour you from making your mark in the new year.


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