CANCER (JUN 22-JUL 22): Here come the tailwinds you’ve waited for as Mars, the vitalizing planet, moves through your sign. Choose wisely how to optimize this new rush of courage and daring. Try to apply discipline to health and nutritional projects—perfect compliments to this energy increase.
LEO (JUL 23-AUG 23): This is a season where you can slow down your pace and attend to any details you might have missed in the summer rush. Keep an eye on envy; it’s unbecoming to your noble nature. Focus on supporting your innate talents. Your magnanimous personality will carry you far in achieving your goals.
VIRGO (AUG 24-SEP 23): What an unusual year for you. You’ve never been more disciplined while exploring fringe, unexplored takes on reality. Beneath this activity, you’ve been busy refining and defining your unique philosophy of life. Next year, you’ll be ready to share your findings with the rest of us.
LIBRA (SEP 24-OCT 23): Your efforts to find a happy medium take a disciplined turn this month. This means you become more committed to an idea or project you’ve toyed with throughout the year. And that means leaving behind pastimes that don’t support your vision.
SCORPIO (OCT 24th-NOV 22nd): You are closing down one cycle and preparing to commence a new one. But first, you’ll need to survey your life and pinpoint what’s out of whack. You’ll want to reenergize what’s working and step away from what’s unrealistic and too costly. Now is the time to dive into challenges requiring intuition and cunning.

SAGITTARIUS (NOV 23rd-DEC 21st): You’re feeling restless and maybe trapped by a situation you’ve avoided confronting. Gather your courage, and then release what no longer supports your emotional life. This is a great time to explore new philosophical or spiritual ideas. You're looking for a central idea that will inspire and uplift you.
CAPRICORN (DEC 22nd-JAN 20th): It won’t hurt to bring some methodical, thoughtful problem-solving into the mix now. It’s time to power up the engine on a project that’s occupied your mind throughout the year. Don’t be intimidated by the necessity to make critical shifts related to your vocation.
AQUARIUS (JAN 21st-FEB 19th): If you’re feeling opposed by others now, stop and ask yourself what you can learn from your frustration. Remain open-minded to their feedback. This experience will force you to become more assertive with your personal needs. Attention to your dream narratives will help resolve conflicts and inspire new solutions.
PISCES (FEB 20th-MAR 20th): The philosopher Ortega Gassett once wrote: “The metaphor is the most fertile power possessed by man.” (And women). The key this season is to compare unrelated concepts to find similarities between them. This allows you to strike out in a direction you hadn’t considered yet.