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Photos by Dan Snyder


Can you start by introducing yourself and King Kennedy Rugs?
Hi there, my name is Mikael Kennedy and I run King Kennedy Rugs which is a private shoppable collection of antique rugs as well as a design studio, maybe we are an art gallery and a brand as well? I can’t keep track, sometimes it’s hard to define so usually I just tell folks I’m a Rug Dealer.
How did King Kennedy Rugs get its start?
It all started out of the trunk of my old Mercedes on the streets in NYC. I had found a few old rugs on a trip. I used to travel for my photography constantly. I was really taken by the worn marks on an old prayer rug, you could see where someone’s hands and knees had rested for 100 years, it blew my mind. I realized I wanted to learn everything I could about these weavings, I started traveling around and finding new rug dealers who would let me dig through their collections and I asked a million questions, I just kept asking questions. That was almost 20 years ago, I’m still asking questions.

What do you look for in a rug?
Magic, there’s an indescribable feeling I get when I find the “right” rug. Over the years I’ve found that I’m more drawn to the geometric rugs, the Caucasian and Armenian ones, but you never know what you’re going to find and I love being surprised. Lately I’ve fallen in love with some spectacular Chinese Deco; Peking pieces, and the old Afghan pictorials really blow my mind, those feel like a study in chaos and control.
Is there a common thread between your photography and the way you source rugs?
Everything I do is visually driven, it’ll take me multiple meetings to remember someones name but I can tell you what you wore the first time we met. I used to display the rugs next to some arial landscape photography I’d shot on a travel job to illustrate that they are the same visual language, color, texture, and pattern. I look at the rugs in this way, they often look like landscapes to me, I assume they were inspired by the landscape they were created in. Navajo rugs look like mesa’s and plateaus to me, Persian rugs often remind me of the night sky, of the heavens. I also like art to be one of a kind, the majority of my photography work is Polaroid, I like art to be an object, to be unique. Every rug is one of a kind.

Where do you see King Kennedy going next?
I always say there’s no plan, there’s just a thread I’m following and I’ll see what comes next. I’ve got a few collaborations with some bigger brands coming out next year which I’m really excited about and a few new drops in the works. I’m trying to slow down though, to produce less, we are only going to be doing 1 maybe 2 drops a year going forward, forget any sort of fashion schedule or anything like that.
View Mikael Kennedy's rug collection online and in-person, at the King Kennedy Rugs Gallery in Los Angeles
Gallery Open Hours are Sun/Tues/Thus 1-6pm or by appointment all other days.
5022 Eagle Rock Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90041